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RGS photo [19] Gift Chief N Ben Arch Kat

View photos from The Mike Campbell Foundation presentation at the Royal Geographical Society in London on 9 October 2018

RGS Speeches 2018.png

Read the Speeches from The Mike Campbell Foundation presentation at the Royal Geographical Society in London on 9 October 2018

RGS photo [11] Gift Konjana with guests

Read the Comments from The Mike Campbell Foundation presentation at the Royal Geographical Society in London on 9 October 2018

Seed distribution man & lady Nov 18-cr.j

Read Ben Freeths' poem from The Mike Campbell Foundation presentation at the Royal Geographical Society in London on 9 October 2018

"What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

Micah 6 v 8

© Mike Campbell Foundation is a charity registered with the Charity Commission of England & Wales | Registered number 1144943

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