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Education in Zimbabwe is in dire straits.  According to the most recent statistics 78% of students drop out in Grade 6, mainly because their parents cannot afford the school fees.


The Mike Campbell Foundation (MCF)’s school fees project began with just 15 children in 2006, mostly children of former farm workers, and was funded mainly by friends, well-wishers and to some extent the church.


In 2017, with the generous support of funders, the MCF was able to provide funds for the fees of 226 children in the Chegutu district of Zimbabwe, the majority of whom are in primary school. 


The difficulties the children face:


  • Insufficient or no money for school fees

  • The high cost of school uniforms and stationery

  • Insufficient food / poor quality food / an unbalanced diet

  • Walking long distances to school

  • Having to study by candle light

  • Having to work to augment their family’s meager income

  • Semi-literate parents

  • Single parent families

  • Child-headed families



Primary school fees per term (rural schools average US$50)
  • To send one child to a primary school for one term (average):        US$    50              £  37

  • To send one child to a primary school for one year (3 terms):          US$  150              £112     

Secondary school fees per term (rural schools average US$50)
  • To send one child to a secondary school for one term (average):    US$    50              £  37

  • To send one child to a secondary school for one year (average):     US$  150              £112

Examples of letters of appreciation from learners - the first has lost both of his parents, a situation not uncommon in Zimbabwe:

"What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

Micah 6 v 8

© Mike Campbell Foundation is a charity registered with the Charity Commission of England & Wales | Registered number 1144943

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