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The Mike Campbell Foundation seeks to empower and inform Zimbabweans (and the international community in relation to Zimbabwe) through presentations, talks, articles, press releases, interviews, discussion groups, seminars, training programmes, documentaries and books.


We cover information such as:


  • People’s rights in a democracy and the violation of their rights in a dictatorship

  • The tools of a dictator

  • Leadership and mechanisms for standing up to dictators and overcoming fear

  • The need for courage and perseverance

  • The principles of free and fair elections / protection of the vote

  • The importance of the rule of law

  • The importance of access to justice and the need for an independent judiciary

  • The importance of publicising violations of human rights and the need to hold violators of human rights accountable in courts of law

  • The importance of a truth and justice commission

  • The building blocks of an economy

  • Why economies succeed or fail

  • The importance of land ownership for all

  • The need for compensation and/or restitution with respect to stolen land

  • The teachings of the 10 Commandments in relation to building a just, equitable society and a successful economy

  • Respect for and protection of the environment

  • The principles and benefits of conservation agriculture

"What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

Micah 6 v 8

© Mike Campbell Foundation is a charity registered with the Charity Commission of England & Wales | Registered number 1144943

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