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Our conservation agriculture (CA) training programme to empower destitute farm workers and their wives focuses on the Chegutu district in Mashonaland West province. When required, we also provide the training to church and community leaders.


The training comprises:


  • Monthly 5-day conservation agriculture training courses pioneered by Foundations for Farming, who provide us with expert trainers -          View the Course Content Here 

  • Teaching trainees how to feed a family for a year on just one sixteenth of a hectare

  • Follow up training and ongoing monitoring by our national co-ordinator

  • Providing our trainees and others in their communities with our own open-pollinated seed packs that include a step-by-step CA instruction manual




Prior to the controversial farm invasions in 2000, an estimated 350,000 farm workers were employed on commercial farms owned by about 4,500 white farmers. Their dependants numbered between 1.8 and 2 million.


In 2009, the Commercial Farmers’ Union reported that more than 250,000 farm workers had lost their means of livelihood. Research conducted by Justice for Agriculture showed that 1.3 million farm workers and their families had been affected during the preceding eight years of violence.


Harare group turning thermal compost pile June 18 m-r_cr.jpg

The MCF’s “I Was Hungry” course, led by our National Co-ordinator, Gift Konjana, and generously sponsored by our supporters, was held at the Foundations for Farming headquarters in Harare during June 2018.  The 27 participants comprised 6 ladies and 21 men, including two village headmen. Most were struggling subsistence farmers and labourers. The two-week training programme involved sessions on practical, cost-effective conservation agriculture farming, family, financial management (Money Map), Bible studies (ALPHA course), with Christian films shown in the evenings. On the first day everyone was excited to receive a Bible which, for some, was the first time they had ever owned their own Bible.


To watch a video of the course, click on the following link:

"What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

Micah 6 v 8

© Mike Campbell Foundation is a charity registered with the Charity Commission of England & Wales | Registered number 1144943

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